Media News and Presentations

  • Foothills Salt Lake City Foothills Trail Master Plan. Did you see this coming? And is this what you expected? by Dan Schelling, Geologist. A Presentation to the Greater Avenues Community Council, July 7, 2021 (DOWNLOAD PDF Slide Show)

  • Salt Lake City is poised to build some big projects. See where the new parks and trailheads may go. They’re all part of a multimillion-dollar capital improvement push. by Leia Larsen, August 8, 2021, Salt Lake City Tribune. “And the mayor’s bond proposal earmarks another $5.3 million for Phase II of the Foothills Trails System Plan, which would overhaul the Victory Road, Popperton Park, Bonneville Boulevard, I Street and Emigration trailheads.”

  • Concerns about ‘shoddily done’ foothills trails aren’t being taken seriously, SLC residents say. Mem­bers of an ad­vi­sory board to the Salt Lake City Pub­lic Lands De­part­ment are ask­ing to have more over­sight. by Leia Larsen, August 22, 2021, Salt Lake City Tribune
    Concerns about ‘shoddily done’ foothills trails aren’t being taken seriously, SLC residents say

  • Thank You to the Mayor — Sept 14, 2021

    Mayor Mendenhall held a press conference at the 18th Avenue Meadows to announce that Salt Lake City will pause further construction of new trails in the Foothills until at least June 1, 2022. This will give the City time to hire independent consultants to: 

    1. Review and assess the trails constructed during Phase 1 of the Foothills Trails Plan;

    2. Complete essential environmental and cultural studies of the Foothills; and

    3. Oversee a comprehensive community outreach program to engage Salt Lake City residents in the process of updating the Trails Plan.

    The Mayor thanked Save Our Canyons, Save Our Foothills, and the PNUT board ( Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry & Trails Advisory) for bringing critical issues— related to the trails master plan and its implementation—to the attention of the City Council, City staff, and the Mayor’s office, offering the City the opportunity to embark in a new direction that prioritizes environmental protection.